Sharps are any items or implements that have an edge or point that can cut or puncture and include syringes, razors, knives, lancets, scissors, fishing hooks, insulin pen tips, pins, broken bottles, scalpels and Epipens. Due to the dangerous and potentially life-threatening biohazard contamination associated with used needles and sharps, ... Read More
When it comes to emergency trauma and crime scene cleaning, Melbourne Forensic Cleaning is on hand to provide rapid, discreet and comprehensive cleaning and sanitising in distressing situations. Our expert technicians are on hand 24/7, to clean up after suicide, trauma and deaths where a biohazard contamination exists. Not ... Read More
Melbourne Forensic Cleaning is the Victorian leader in forensic and biohazard cleaning with a reputation for providing our clients with a prompt, comprehensive and innovative bio-remediation service. We are the Industry Leader in Forensic Cleaning, Biohazard Cleaning, Meth Lab Decontamination Sewage Clean Ups servicing all Melbourne suburbs and Victorian regions ... Read More
Despite the negative connotation brought by the spotlight of media attention, hoarding has really been studied only in the past two decades at most. There is much misunderstanding and stigma associated with the compulsive hoarding condition and what it entails. It is critical to remember that hoarders are very sensitive ... Read More
Every day across Melbourne and Victoria, thousands of property owners, real estate agents, law enforcement and forensic cleaners are inadvertently exposed to potentially life threatening biohazards and diseases as a result of trauma, crime and biohazard situations. Melbourne Forensic Cleaning is Melbourne and Victoria’s biohazard remediation company, dedicated to easing emotional ... Read More
Violent crimes, suicide, injuries and death can all leave a distressing and potentially hazardous scene in the wake. Blood, bodily fluids and other biological matter can harbor and transmit disease and viruses if not remediated and cleaned correctly and promptly. Inexperienced cleaners can face risks if attempting to clean the ... Read More